The Guardian Jobs

The Guardian is one of Britain’s oldest and best-selling newspapers. Its history can be traced back to 19th-century Manchester, where it was established in the shadow of the Peterloo Massacre and the Slave Trade. The newspaper has historically been a champion of progressive values and journalistic freedom.

 The newspaper and its media group launched The Guardian Jobs, one of the UK’s first online recruitment sites, in 1996. Since then, it has expanded to become an invaluable resource for jobseekers and recruiters. Today, it remains one of the most popular job sites, with more than 685,000 unique website visitors per month.

I have been supporting The Guardian Jobs with informative blog content for both the Jobseekers (B2C) and Recruiters (B2B) sections of their website. However, the primary focus has been the high-traffic Careers Advice blog.

It offers a wide range of advice for prospective employees on a variety of topics and across multiple industries, from guides on interviews to breaking down entry into specific sectors like finance or the civil service.

My writing for The Guardian Jobs has focused on guides to individual job roles, such as teaching assistants and social workers. I have also produced more broad-based careers content, including guides on soft skills for the workplace and the highest-paid jobs without a degree.